Saturday 17 November 2012

[What To Do in Indonesia] Lombok Indonesia {Part 2}

Lombok Indonesia
Lombok Indonesia: What To Do in Lombok?

A lot of things can be done in Lombok. The beaches are really beautiful and Lombok also has Kuta beach, which has the same name with Kuta beach in Bali but with cleaner beach since the beach there has less visitors than the one in Bali.

Other than Kuta, you can go to Senggigi beach, Tanjung Aan (Aan Cape) and Tangsi Pink beach. Yes, besides the Bahamas and Komodo Island, Lombok also has pink beach that is worth to visit as the place is still really virgin and beautiful.

In Mataram, you can rent a vehicle and pay for a guide to take you to Sendang Gile waterfall as well as traditional Sasak village.

If you like traditional culture, don't miss the chance to buy traditional fabric and souvenir at the village with much cheaper price than buying it somewhere else. The traditional houses of Sasak tribe are made of buffalo dung, make sure you come and see for yourself what the houses like when you visit Lombok Indonesia!

Gili Islands 

Gili islands are ones of the must spots in Lombok to visit. There are actually a lot of gilis around Lombok islands but three gilis provided here are the most famous ones.

Gili Air

Gili air located on the eastern side of the main island, which is the nearest one. The island is small and peaceful and suitable for those who are looking for relaxing moment with spouse, partner, and family.

On the island, visitors can do activities such as swimming, sunbathing or taking sometimes to visit the turtle breeding.

Gili Meno

Gili Meno is the next island after Gili air. The island, although has bird breeding and hotels around, but still much quiter than Gili Terawangan. Therefore, this island is also suitable for those who are looking for real getaway out of nowhere for sometimes.

Enjoy your time in Gili Meno while doing nothing but relaxing and you can easily hope on to another island on the other day if you feel enough to have your own "me" time and ready to have fun and party.

Gili Terawangan

Gili Terawangan is famously known as the place where tourists can have party all night long on a real beautiful island with so many new experiences and this is absolutely the place to meet new people and have fun while you're on vacation!

Although the island is really beautiful and the facilities are good, but the price is still affordable. Try to check on some websites for great offer on hotel prices and you might just be lucky to get a suit for only about $50 per night!

Other than hotels, there are home stays or hostels that don't have online reservation. If you come not on the peak season, you can simply just go and find a room that costs starts from USD $10. Usually these home stays located about 15-20 minutes away from the beach.

Lombok Indonesia: Lombok Diving

Lombok diving also a fun activity to choose while you stay in the island. The beauty of fish that varies as well as colorful corals will bring so much more experience in witnessing underwater world.

Diving spots on Gilis islands can be chosen as there are many beautiful places around. Usually the operator will bring visitors to places based on their schedule so that divers won't feel the crowd at one spot at the same time.

Witness the beauty of underwater world in Lombok by yourself and see that those wallpapers on the computers are really real :)

Lombok Indonesia: Rinjani Trekking

Rinjani is known as the mountain the offers one of the most beautiful scenic views whereas many trekkers would love to spend their time to go trekking to the mountain just to grab the unforgettable experience.

The mountain is the third highest mountain in Indonesia with 3.726 above sea level high. Every year, there are around 9000 trekkers who come and visit Rinjani and 3000 trekkers among them are foreign visitors.

In Rinjani, you can use porter service so that no worries of bringing heavy backpack to the top of the mountain as the trek is quite challenging. If you're interesting in visiting the mountain, the best place will be around May to August each year to get the best scenic view from up there.

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