Sunday 18 November 2012

[What To Do in Indonesia] Karimun Jawa

Karimun Jawa Indonesia

Located about 83 km from Jepara, Karimun Jawa an archipelago as well as a preserved marine national park that consists of 27 islands around the territory.
What To Do In Indonesia: Karimun Jawa

The main island of Karimun Jawa held about 10.000 patriarch while many other smaller islands don't have any inhabitant.

The islands are home to more than 200 different kind of fish and more than 130 aquatic fauna. Even if you don't have your diving certificate yet, you can simply go snorkeling and witness the beauty of the marine lives without hassle!
Karimunjawa accommodation

Karimun Jawa accomodation varies from luxury resorts, hotels, to homestays.

Those with more budget can even come to Karimun Jawa through private-rented helicopter as one of the hotels in Karimun Jawa island provides the helipad.

Hotels in the island can be rented for as low as USD $20 per room per night. Some are already providing 24 hours electricity while some others are still providing electricity for 12 hours only.

Karimun Jawa village is one of the most expensive place that pays electricity in Indonesia therefore, usually hotels and resorts provide it through their own effort or if you stay at hotels or home stays around the field or square, you might get electricity in longer time, as owners tend to connect their line to the field's electricity line.

Home stays in the main island as part of Karimun Jawa accommodations are mostly villagers' homes built with extra bedroom and rented to the visitors. Guests can stay and pay for the room from as low as USD $7 per night without breakfast. But don't worry as you can always have breakfast easily at the restaurant near the field/square called "Warung Makan".

Attractions to Visit:

Snorkeling and going around the main island for sunset time are what people usually do when coming to Karimun Jawa.
Diving/Snorkeling at Karimun Jawa 

The Marine National Park gives you different kind of choices when snorkeling or diving around the islands in Karimun Jawa archipelago.
Snorkeling with fish
What makes it special is that you don't have to work so hard on enjoying the underwater world as not far from the shore, the colorful marine lives can already be found.

Around the fish

Around The Island of Karimun Jawa

Karimun Jawa main island also offers great view not to be missed. Every afternoon, make sure you go out and find a spot to watch the beautiful sunset. Mostly, locals and visitors come to the old harbour and stay until the sun sets. After that, having dinner at the square enjoying grilled fish and squid will be the next favourite thing to do.

Big size fish or squid can be bought for only about USD $6 -$8 for 3-4 people serving size.

Sunset at Karimun Jawa Island

Menjangan Besar Island

Have some fun on the "private" island
Karimun Jawa offers you swimming with the sharks. Yes! You can swim with real sharks around you!
Try it if you dare!
swimming with sharks

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